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WWAID Architecture & Interior Design

Full Design Services

Private Residence

Playa Yankee, Nicaragua

This 400 sq.ft. guest house sits atop of a one acre property in the jungles of Nicaragua, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The home was designed for a Canadian couple who fell in love with Nicaragua. Their love of Nicaragua led them to incorporate as many local and traditional elements as possible. This quaint bungalow was designed to maximize views of the Pacific while keeping mind natural elements for cooling.

The building was strategically situated at the highest point of the lot and angled to capture the wind, passively cooling the interior in the southern climate. The structure is concrete and brick, using a double wall system with an air cavity between, ensuring a cool inner wall. The owners’ intent to maintain a minimal environmental impact guided the design to include a solar panel system in their garden to provide the majority of their electricity.

The interior is composed of a queen bedroom set, full kitchen and dining area in one open concept space with a three piece washroom enclosed at the rear. Efficient storage options were an essential component in this design given the small footprint and that the owners reside in Canada the majority of the year.

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